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Tuesday, January 26, 2010

weekend yg superb.....;)

well, last weekend was d best weekend for me....i loooiiikkkeeee it....on friday, ak g tgk legion....for me, d movie was superb, awesome!!! kalau ade sesape nk ajak ak g tgk lg, confirm ak g tgk!!! hehehee...then, on saturday ak kl live centre..event yg ak tunggu2...hehehe...seb baek dpt g gak...speed die mmg terbaekkk woo..jom tgk gmbr2 ak d sekitar richard durand pun ak dpt drp org lain...nk hrp diri sndri snap pic, mmg x arh!! sbb ak bz cket dis time..lalalala~~~hope i can repeat it on this saturday...yeahhhh.....;p

Friday, January 22, 2010

movie tonight??

penat ak menunggu citer LEGION ni...ak nk tgk matter what happen, ak akan pastikan yg ak tgk mlm ni..xde kwn xpe..ak g tgk sorg2...yahooooo.....LEGION, here i come.....;)

Thursday, January 21, 2010


uwaaaaaaaaaa...tension kepala otak ak!!!kenape la time2 cmni yg mesti rase tension...mood tgh xbaek nieh!!!!bile ak tension, i need to do something yg ley wat ak ilang tension!!!cane tuh??mane ak nk carik???fucking shit!!!OMG!!! please send someone that can make me release tension.....i want, i want, i want it.....damnnnnnn!!!!!!!

y he must came back??

fucking shit....i tot i was forgot him already....but actually not...nape die msti dtg blk nieh??nape die msti keje kt tmpt yg ak keje gak??mcm la die xtau yg ak keje c2!!nk kate reason xde keje, byk je tmpt lain yg leh offer die...nak gak keje kt gosh tu!!!msti ke??nnt die gado dgn bini die, ak gak yg d persalakn!!!sdgkan ak dh cube sedaya upaya utk let him go but now???bile die dh dtg blk n keje kt c2, it wil make me more difficult for go thru with this things!!!i hate all of this!!menciiiiiiiiiiii...plz la...tlg la blah drp c2....sumenyer wat ak susa!!!fuck fuck fuck!!!!!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010 me!!!

alamakkkkkkkkkk...tolong tolong......ak di dalam dilema skrg...ak dh pening...xtau la nk buat ape skrg???td tgh2 sronok2 tp tibe trus jammed...sum1 approached me...die mmg dh lame approach ak...drp last year masalanya kitorg start drp kwn so cm pelik je kalau tibe2 nk couple.....pening he really serious approached die mmg dh stable...dh ade kete, dh ade uma...rupe pun ak far ak stil enjoy life yg skrg...ak takut kalau ak t'babas dgn org lain...cane tuh??adeyhhh....tibe2 lak byk dugaan yg mendatang....what shud i do??tolong ak!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

exercise di tengahari.....

lalalalalala.....i like today....huhuhu...akhirnya ak dpt wat exercise...dah lame ak xwat exercise (sedangkan baru 2 mggu)....hahahaha....i love it.....this time rase puas ati giler....dh lame giler x exercise n rase yg cmni....wakakakaka....thanx thanx to my fren dat accompany me to do dat exercise...lalalala...i really do appreciate ur i can smile for d whole day....;)

dugaan yang pertama

adeyhh...pagi pagi kete ak dh wat hal blk...die dh xsyg ak ke??melayang $$$ ak nk tukar bateri...tu la, org ckp keje mlm punye gaji susa nk lekat..tul ke??? baru 1st dugaan yg ak dpt....cedey siotttt...isk isk isk.....hope evrything wil b fine...uwaaaaaa....

rootz on wednesday nite with my beloved guys

hahahaha...juz got d new info from my beloved ones, dydi nadia...times to party at rootz...yeahhh, finally i can go to the rootz....hahahaha....skrg tgh pening nk ajak sape nieh g sane.....nk ramaikan gurls tp xtau nk bwk sape..poning den ni haa....kpd my gfs, ade sesape nk join me x??cpt2...ASAP bgtau ak kalau nk join....dtg bwk diri je....;)

saat yang mencemaskan...

sesuatu yang mencemaskan telah berlaku kat ak td....ade ke kete ak xley nk start time ak blk keje td...perghhhh, gelabah giler seyh...1st time in my life..tu la, lain kali jgn amek tau lgsung sal kete ape2....kan dh sengal bile xley enjin xley nk start sume....giler arh....takut ak kalau bnda tu jd lg...thanx a lot to my team lead, mr rahmad yg tlg ak td...seb baek la ko ade wei, lau x...mati ak kt c2....after dat, ak pun trus shoot ke Pakli Sec 7 utk dinner dgn BFF ak time study dulu...lame xlepak dgn korg gosip2....even skjp but tetap beshhh...mish u guys sho much..korg mmg memahami u guys sho muchh....nnt kalau kite sume ade mase, kite lepak2 lg kayh...muahx muahx...


dah nak abes time keje pun...keje dah je la keje ak skrg...ak nk trus blk uma...kank nk kena g tgk anak cousin ak masuk spital...malas tul la ak...ak tgk sherlock holmes sok je, ak nk g lepak dgn BFF ak, Marina Ariffin & Faeza a.k.a Jaja....huhuhu...Marina is my BFF since form 5 & Jaja lak my BFF since 2005, time ak blaja kt malacca dulu...dah lame ak xjumpe diorg ni....confirm byk gossip nnt...yeahhhh....i loooiiikkkeee.....k la...want to chow already....bye bye at this moment...;)

sherlock holmes

ak rase cm nk g tgk sherlock holmes je stil berbelah bahagi ni....nk tgk esok @ nk tgk arini...kalau sok, murah cket....hehehe....agak2 sherlock holmes besh x??mostly kwn2 ak ckp tu la, lain org lain selera...mcm paranormal xtvty pun ramai kwn ak yg ckp besh tp skali ak g tgk, mcm sampah!!!saba je la.....

Monday, January 18, 2010

my new chapter....

well....finally i got my own blog...lalalala~~~still new in this line...masih t'kapai kapai lagi care nk update sgale...but it's ok...i will learn for my own good....waiting for my new update ok....